The Institute of Asian Studies (IAS, Belgrade, Serbia), formed in 2013, is a think-tank engaged in research, educational, publishing, and consulting activities to spread knowledge about Asia in our country and region and thereby contribute to cooperation between countries in Central and Southeastern Europe and Asian countries. Its geographical focus is on the People’s Republic of China, Japan, India, the Republic of Korea, DPR Korea, the Russian Federation, Central Asian and Caspian states, Turkey, ASEAN countries, Australia, and New Zealand.
IAS researches internal politics, economics, social development, foreign policy, international economic relations of each of the mentioned countries, regional economic integrations, political, security, infrastructure, interpersonal, and other forms of cooperation, issues, and structures that define the present of Asia but also determine its future development.
IAS publishes the annual journal Asian Issues and focuses on building a collaborative network with partner institutions from Asia and other parts of the world.