Институт за азијске студије

Editorial office

Editor in chief

Prof Dr. Dragana Mitrović

Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade

Institute for Asian Studies (Director), Belgrade

Editorial office

Prof Dr. Dragana Mitrović

Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade

Institute of Asian Studies (Director)

Prof. Dr. Mlađan Kovačević

Academy of Economic Sciences, Belgrade

Vuk Žugić

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RS, Belgrade

Dr. Dragan Trailović

research associate

Institute for Political Studies, Belgrade

Members of the editorial board from abroad

Frank Dhont, PhD, Associate Professor

National Cheng Kung University,
Department of History and Chair, International Indonesia Forum

Prof. Sarmiza Pencea, PhD

The Institute for World Economy of the Romanian Academy

Prof. Jagannath P. Panda, PhD, Research Fellow & Centre Coordinator

East Asia Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA)

Prof. Katherine Morton, PhD

School of East Asia Studies, University of Sheffield

Prof. YOSHII Masahiko, PhD

Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan

Prof. Thomas, W.K. YUEN, PhD

Department of Economics and Finance,
Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong, PR China

Secretary of the Editorial Office

Dragan Trailovic

Institute for Asian Studies, Belgrade