Director of the IAS, Professor Dragana Mitrovic, took part as an invited speaker at the International Conference entitled How “Belt & Road” Influences China-CEE Relations? Opportunities and Challenges were held in Warsaw on September 14, 2017. The Polish Institute of International Affairs, China-CEEC Think Tanks Network (CASS) and the Chinese Embassy in Poland organised the Conference. Professor Mitrovic was a panellist in Session 1: A New Opening Stage of the “Belt & Road” Initiative and participated in the following ones. The session was intended to identify possible changes after this year’s “Belt & Road” international forum and their influence on possible cooperation. What is new after the forum? Is “Belt & Road” now more or less clear? How can the potential for China-CEEC cooperation be further explored under the “Belt & Road” framework? Specific emphasis was placed on implications for CEE countries and the 16+1 format.