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– Times New Roman font, body text size 12; subtitles are in bold, the second level of subtitles is in italics
– Title page containing the title of the text, author’s name, author’s title, contact information;
* author name, author title (in footnote)
* title text (font size 14)
* abstract and keywords
– Single space throughout the document
– Double space (instead of line indent) to indicate a new paragraph or paragraph
– Page number centered at the bottom of each page
– Top, bottom and side margins not less than 2.2 cm
– Manuscript can contain no more than 6000 words (excluding tables, graphs and sources)
– give a list of references at the end of the paper
* the list of references is sorted by the English alphabet by the last name of the author
* references should not be numbered
* only references mentioned in the text are cited
– after the list of references, the name and surname of the author, title of the work, abstract and keywords in Serbian are given< /p>
The Asia Notebooks use the Oxford Citation Style – citing sources using footnotes.
* to cite sources in the text (in a footnote), use the following general rules:
D. Mitrovic, From Socialist Modernization to Chinese Dream, Institute for Asian Studies, Belgrade, 2019, p. 171.
D. Mitrovic, “USA President Trump’s First Asian Tour – From ‘America First’ to Indo Pacific”, Asian Issues, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2017, p. 15.
D. Mitrovic, “China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Connecting and Transforming Initiative”, in Yu Cheng et al. (eds.), The Belt and Road Initiative in the Global Arena: Chinese and European Perspectives, Palgrave MacMillan, Singapore, 2018.