Mitrovic’ interview for Daily News of State television: “Biden and Xi in Bali – what are the relations between America and China after three hours of talks”
ABOUT IAS The Institute for Asian Studies (IAS, Belgrade, Serbia) is a think-tank engaged in research, educational, publishing and consulting activities with the aim of spreading knowledge about Asia in our country and region and thereby contributing to cooperation between the countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe and Asian countries. IN THE MEDIA Members of […]
Professor Mitrovic, with colleagues from the Chinese Institute for International Affairs, after lecturing
ABOUT IAS The Institute for Asian Studies (IAS, Belgrade, Serbia) is a think-tank engaged in research, educational, publishing and consulting activities with the aim of spreading knowledge about Asia in our country and region and thereby contributing to cooperation between the countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe and Asian countries. IN THE MEDIA Members of […]
Professor Mitrovic held seminar with post graduate students of Tongji University, Shanghai, School of Political Science and International Relations, October 15 2023
ABOUT IAS The Institute for Asian Studies (IAS, Belgrade, Serbia) is a think-tank engaged in research, educational, publishing and consulting activities with the aim of spreading knowledge about Asia in our country and region and thereby contributing to cooperation between the countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe and Asian countries. IN THE MEDIA Members of […]
International science conference
ABOUT IAS The Institute for Asian Studies (IAS, Belgrade, Serbia) is a think-tank engaged in research, educational, publishing and consulting activities with the aim of spreading knowledge about Asia in our country and region and thereby contributing to cooperation between the countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe and Asian countries. IN THE MEDIA Members of […]
Seminar on „Conflict in Ukraine and security challenges in the new geopolitical environment“
ABOUT IAS The Institute for Asian Studies (IAS, Belgrade, Serbia) is a think-tank engaged in research, educational, publishing and consulting activities with the aim of spreading knowledge about Asia in our country and region and thereby contributing to cooperation between the countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe and Asian countries. IN THE MEDIA Members of […]
Institute for Asian Studies
The Institute of Asian Studies (IAS, Belgrade, Serbia), formed in 2013, is a think-tank engaged in research, educational, publishing, and consulting activities to spread knowledge about Asia in our country and region and thereby contribute to cooperation between countries in Central and Southeastern Europe and Asian countries ABOUT IAS The Institute for Asian Studies (IAS, […]